Tietopankki   /   LocalghostFI

LocalghostFI Domain Names

Listed below are the domain names used by LocalghostFI.


Primary Domain Names:

localghost.fi - Primary domain
lgfi.fi - Short URL alias for the primary domain
lgfi.link - Short URL alias for the primary domain and Stripe payment


Domain Names for Our Online Stores:

ghostprint.fi - Primary domain for 3D printing services
suomilomake.fi - Primary domain for the form store
sometuuli.fi - Online store for social media followers
lgfi.store - Online store for cables and other electronics
ghostserver.fi - LGFI Hosting online store


Domain Names for Allsky Cameras:

allsky.fi - Primary domain for Allsky cameras
muurameallsky.fi - Domain for the Central Finland Allsky camera
tampereallsky.fi - Domain for the Pirkanmaa Allsky camera


Domain Names for Server Environments:

lgpalvelin.fi - Domain for the server in use
lgserver.fi - Domain for the server in use
lgfi.cloud - Domain for the server in use
lgfi.website - Domain for the server in use

Other LocalghostFI Domain Names:

lgfi.pictures - Domain for the image bank

LocalghostFI uses the following registrars for its official domains:

- Traficom
- Gandi
- GoDaddy
- Hetzner Online / Key-Systems, LLC

The domains are hosted on the following name servers:

Cloudflare, Inc. (cloe.ns.cloudflare.com, zeus.ns.cloudflare.com)
Hetzner Online GmbH (ns.second-ns.com, ns1.your-server.de, ns3.second-ns.de)
LocalghostFI (ns1.lgpalvelin.fi, ns2.lgpalvelin.fi)

If you notice any misuse of any domain that affects the visibility or integrity of LocalghostFI, please report it to [email protected]

Edited: 28.11.2024 23:45